A wide variety of laboratory testing is available at Premier Pet Care

Our in-house diagnostic laboratory is an added benefit that Premier Pet Care is proud to provide to our clients. Diagnostic procedures discover what is going on inside of your pet, and allow us to pinpoint the precise cause of ailments. We strive to ensure that our diagnostic procedures are both accurate and timely. Having an in-house lab gives us greater control over these two factors, and it also makes us stand out as a veterinary hospital.  

When diagnostic services can be provided faster, this means that your pet’s treatment can be initiated faster, too. Often, your pet’s test results are available the same day depending on the test. If we need to send your pet’s test to one of our reference labs, we typically receive the results within 24-48 hours. We will call you and let you know our findings. 

Here are some different laboratory services that we offer:

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC) tests for anemia, infection, inflammation, and measures some components of blood clotting.
  • Blood chemistry panels are made of several different tests which aim to assess different organs such as the kidney, liver, and pancreas.
  • Electrolytes testing analyzes sodium, potassium, chloride, and phosphorus levels in your pet to monitor issues such as dehydration, bone metabolism, and general body health.
  • Thyroid gland tests determine how the thyroid gland is functioning. The thyroid gland is a key regulator of almost all metabolic functions, and therefore thyroid disease can have serious repercussions. Treatment can be provided using medication, radioiodine therapy, or surgical procedures.
  • Urinalysis evaluates how the kidneys are functioning to provide insight into the presence of diabetes. Abnormal kidney function is also a common issue in senior cats.

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